$37.00 USD

Whether you are new to the Enneagram or would like to confirm your Type and Subtype, you may benefit from a one-hour Enneagram typing interview with me! This saves time and precious resources so you can being your Enneagram journey with confidence. Empower yourself today! (Makes a great gift too.) $197 for assessment + report

Know Thyself: The Nine Types of Clinicians Strengths and Challenges

Dial up your acumen to be an effective professional helper today!

What you'll get:

  • Know your top 1-3 hypotheses for your Type.
  • Learn the three centers of intelligence.
  • Understand the dominant emotion of your center and how you cope with it.

In this webinar, Carrie describes each clinician-types' strengths and challenges, and how they influence your work with your clients. The fundamental theory of centers of intelligence, the dominant emotion of each center, and your specific defense mechanism are taught.