$37.00 USD

Whether you are new to the Enneagram or would like to confirm your Type and Subtype, you will benefit from a one-hour Enneagram typing interview with me! This saves time and precious resources so you can being your Enneagram journey with confidence. Empower yourself today! (Makes a great gift too.)

Know Thyself: The Nine Types of Clinicians Beneficial Growth

Dial up your acumen to be an effective professional helper today!

What you'll get:

  • Learn the theory and application of Wings and Arrows.
  • Learn the theory of the Law of 3.
  • Understand the steps for growth for your type.

Many people still over-rely on one wing as a descriptor of “This is just who I am!”. For example, “I’m a 9 with an 8-wing”. This training updates that “boxed-in” approach while teaching the difference between wing and arrow work. In this webinar, Carrie shows you how to access each of these resources for your beneficial growth, professionally and personally.